In the current era, many things are rapidly changing, and many new illnesses are emerging as well. Health insurance has become a significant alternative to mitigate the risks of unforeseen medical expenses in order to ensure worriless living. FWD Precious Protection offers the health coverage package providing a comprehensive life protection and medical expense. A complete health coverage both IPD and OPD with the actual medical expense benefits up to 100 million baht per year.
Cover the actual medical expense benefits for both IPD and OPD.
Get lump sum compensation and twice the amount of hospital room and board for Invasive Cancer, Acute Heart Attack, Major Stroke treatment.
Such as Organ Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis, Targeted Therapy, etc.
Remark: * If there are no claims made under benefits categories 1-16 and 21-24 of the FWD Precious Care rider during the policy year preceding the latest renewal.
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